Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seven Whole Days Healthy Hump Day!

Wednesdays are funny. They can give us the blahs knowing that we have a couple of more days to go until the weekend or they can be,  "wwwwwwwwooooooo hoooooooooo only two more days until the weekend. I prefer to believe the latter. Half full glass syndrome, right? So with that being said, SewFly by CarolRenee is introducing our Healthy Hump Day tip of the week. A lil sumthin sumthin to get you motivated to be even more beautiful inside and out!

many of these tips are things I acquired over the years from friends, family or from magazines and books.

Seven Days to a Healtheir You
 Sunday- Buy a pedometer and aspire to meet the American heart Association's standard of walking 3,000 steps per day. These pedometers are super cheap, like under $10 at KMart, Wal-mart, etc.

Monday- Are you ever out of breath after taking a couple of flights of stairs? Turn stairwells  into your fitness friens by choosing steps instead of the elevator. Whether it is two flights or ten, watch how quickly your breathing improves. I used to live in a third floor walk up apartment and it was definitely a work out when it was time to move or bring up the groceries. Have you ever moved a futon out of one of those things?! I also used to take the stairs to my sister's 7th floor apartment, phew! It ceased when I got locked in the stairwell.

Tuesday- Whether your trapped at your desk or stuck on a plane, do calf raises. By flexing and pointing- first lifting toes, returning to a flat foot, then lifting your heels and squeezing your calf muscles- you are pumping blood up your legs and improving your circulation.
               This is somethng I really need to work at. I am so used to crossing my lages either at the ankles or the knee that my varicose veins are becoming more pronouned. Not fierce.funky or fabulous.

Wednesday- Give up the perfect parking space- forever. By parking farther away from the store, office or gym, you are burning more calories. Little walks add up.
              Now whoever came up with this obviously has no kids and does not live in the city. I am still trying to figure out what to do first. Bring in the child or the groceries. How can one possibly do both when having to walk 6 blocks each way?

Thursday- Eat natural. Take a day or two to give up processed foods filled with yucky preservatives and sodium. Choose foods that look the same as when it was harvested. Stick to the outer perimeter of the grocery store.

Friday- cool down. Tough week? Take one day to do an activity you enjoy to sooth your frazzles nerves and mind. read a bok. Enjoy a sunset. Take a bubble bath, whatever.
                  I honestly believe this should be done once a day, not just once a week.

Saturday- Let your dog think you are indecisive. Take your dog for a 10 minute walk then jog for two minutes. Repeat.
                Unless your dog is like my former boss's who stopped every 5 feet literally, to smell the grass, another dog, or whatever. I could never get in a good five minute walk with Ruby.

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